

2020年5月11日 - 4分钟阅读


在当前的全球危机中, teachers all over the world are finding themselves tossed into the new arena of virtual learning. 我们知道,我们的学生也是这种混合的一部分. However, we would like to focus on the impact that this new shift is having on teachers. Educators of all ages and backgrounds are having to face a new challenge as they make computers the center of the learning environment.

We all know that as teachers, it takes time to set up a classroom. A real classroom, with four walls, has to be decorated, designed and curated. The floor plan needs to fit the desired flow of the room and the tasks involved in day-to-day activities. 随着教师将课堂转移到云端, 这些仪式和惯例也需要改变. Transitioning from a brick and mortar setting to an abstract online environment takes creativity and courage.

What skills do teachers need to have in order to teach online?

The basic work that a teacher must master in order to move to a cloud-based classroom falls into 5 categories. As we see it these are the foundational pieces needed to adjust to distance learning. Each of these components require a skill set that folds into the next. These categories are not fixed sequentially but are cycular in nature. Consider these the “must haves” so a teacher “can do” in this alternative and innovative method of teaching.

控制你的收件箱. Making peace with the constant stream of emails is important. 因为我们生活在电子交流中, we find that our inbox is quickly filled with daily messages from school district officials, 的同事们, 父母, 公司试图吸引我们的注意力. Add students to the equation and you can become overwhelmed quickly. Many email providers allow for settings to be adjusted and organized based on layout. Teachers should make use of these features so that they can prioritize the most important emails, 过滤那些可以稍后读取的, 删除那些不需要打开的邮件.

像秘书一样的日历. Now that distance learning has become the norm, we need to create a new routine for ourselves. Using a calendar to list a time frame for daily tasks is very important. We need to be accountable to someone, even if it is our virtual assistant. In our classrooms we stress the importance of brain breaks for healthy learning. This same practice must be integrated into our home-based schedules. Maintaining a virtual calendar helps to create boundaries between your personal and professional responsibilities.

成为视频奇才. As we accept our new style of teaching it is important to take advantage of the possibilities that accompany it. Video instruction exponentially expands our opportunity to connect with our students. 教师们正在尝试使用YouTube, 变焦, Google Meet and other video platforms like never before. 热身, re-teaching, and enrichment activities are ways in which teachers can engage their students through a series of learning videos. 可能性是无限的!

拥抱基于云的课堂. Let’s face it, in this digital age everyone is connected, like it or not. Teachers are now being asked to take control of the digital footprint they are leaving by connecting with their students online. This has become a teachable moment for all of us when it comes to digital citizenship and sharing information. Choosing a platform that respects privacy parameters is critical. 在线平台应该优先考虑学生的安全. 像谷歌课堂这样的公共平台, 黑板上, and SMART Learning Suites offer this practicality and security.

建立关系. Teachers have always worn many hats including: classroom manager, 辅导员, 教练, 还有啦啦队长等等. As we work from home, separated physically, it is paramount that we remember to connect emotionally. Humans were made as social creatures, born to connect and bond. We believe that it is now more critical than ever to build meaningful relationships with those around us, 尤其是我们的学生. In serving and nurturing others, our own souls rejoice and are lifted.

During these unprecedented times of social distancing it is critical that educators embrace their novel positions as distance learning teachers and create engaging learning environments. 我们都在一起!

Olivia Wong draws from her diverse career in education when writing about her experiences in teaching and learning. 在公共和私营部门工作了20多年, Olivia has experience in teaching at the elementary level, 指导新教育者, 引领专业发展, providing instructional leadership and strategically implementing cutting edge technology. Olivia holds a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with CLAD Emphasis and is currently finishing her Administrative Credential 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.

Dr. Tanya Tarbutton works as an Associate Professor of Education 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 where she serves as the 导演 of the MAED: Educational Administration program. In this capacity Professor Tarbutton evaluates and prepares administrative candidates for teaching and learning in the 21st Century. 在进入高等教育之前,Dr. 塔巴顿是一名现场学校管理员, 资源教师和通识教育教师. As an immigrant, she brings a unique perspective grounded in more than 20 years of career experience.

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